ElecMania 2013. 10. 12. 13:33

White Paper - Vol. 1

Working with the Trip Characteristic Curves of ABB SACE Low Voltage Circuit-Breakers.

It is the first publication of the new collection of technical documents called White Papers; a series of documents which can give practical information and explain in a direct and exhaustive way the characteristics of our products and of their specific applications. Scope of this document is making easier the reading and the interpretation of the characteristic curves (trip curves, specific let-through energy curves and limitation curves) of the Molded-Case Circuit-Breakers (MCCBs) and Low Voltage Power Circuit-Breakers (LVPCBs) manufactured by ABB SACE in compliance with the American Standards UL 489 and UL 1066.


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White Paper - Vol. 2

Directional protection and directional zone selectivity

It is the second publication of the new collection of technical documents called White Papers; a series of documents which can give practical information and explain in a direct and exhaustive way the characteristics of our products and of their specific applications. 
The “Directional protection and directional zone selectivity” White Paper describes the sense, the potentials, the application area and the use of “D” directional protection and “SdZ” directional zone selectivity functions.
Furthermore different application references and examples of plants where the use of this kind of protections has permitted to gain remarkable results are described.

Working with the Trip Characteristic Curves of ABB SACE Low Voltage Circuit-Breakers.
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White Paper - Vol. 3

Integration between the MV protection and control unit REF542 and the LV protection trip unit PR123: selectivity and earth fault

The third volume of White paper series is intended to illustrate the possibilities of integration between ABB medium and low voltage protection trip units, paying particular attention to the protection and control unit type REF542 (for MV) and the protection trip unit PR123 (for LV).
The text, starting from brief theoretical analysis, decribes, by means of suitable examples, some useful strategies for an appropriate coordination and the correct cabling logic that must be implemented on ABB units. 
Moreover, in the fourth paragraph, a real "how to make" section is given: here are listed all the components you need to use in order to realize the strategies previously shown, from the signalling unit to the external toroids.

Working with the Trip Characteristic Curves of ABB SACE Low Voltage Circuit-Breakers.
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White Paper - Vol. 4

Double Ground Fault Protection - Implementation

The fourth volume of the series “White Paper” is intended to offer the necessary guidelines for the correct implementation of the “Double G” in the Emax circuit-breakers equipped with PR123/LSIG and PR333/P LSIG trip units. 
Thanks to a chrono-amperometric discrimination and to the MV/LV integration, this advanced protection permits to ensure protection against earth faults on the load side of the low voltage air circuit-breaker and to ensure protection against earth faults in the section between the secondary of the transformer and the upstream terminals of the air circuit-breaker.
The documentation is divided into:
-Generalities: a brief introduction to the application field.
-Application Description: the operating principle of the Double G protection.
-References: an example of the application.
-Practical Guide: how to put into practice the Double G protection.


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White Paper - Vol. 5

RC223 (type B) residual-current release

This White Paper is intended to illustrate the operating principle and the possible application of the RC233 (type B) residual-current release, which can be combined with the Tmax T3 and T4 four-pole circuit-breakers. The document is divided into three sections:

-Generalities, a short introduction to the application field of type B residual-current releases; 
-Application Description
, where the different applications of this type of residual-current release and the operating principle of the RC233 are described in depth; 
-Application Indications
, where the technical characteristics, the configuration and the emergency arrest function of the RC233 are illustrated in particular.

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White Paper - Vol. 6

PR223EF: Zone selectivity with Early Fault Detection and Prevention technology

This White Paper is intended to illustrate the operating principle and some connections examples of the PR223EF, which can be combined with the Tmax T4-T5-T6 in L version.
The document is divided into two sections:
Generalities, a short introduction to the characteristics of this trip units; 
Application Description, where the different common system combinations are described in depth. In particular selectivity between two PR223 trip units, PR223 with T1/T2 and PR122/123 with PR223 are considered. In addition to these sections, there is a Annex with a wiring diagram showing a connection system with more circuit-breakers requiring zone selectivity.


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White Paper - Vol. 7

Circuit-Breaker Terminals and Connection

This White Paper is intended to give useful information as regards the connections between cable/bar and the terminals of the MCCBs type new SACE Tmax XT.
The document is divided into three sections:
component used for wiring: this part gives a description of the components mentioned in this paper;
ABB SACE offer: this part offers a panorama of the connection terminals of ABB SACE circuit-breakers;
wiring cable-terminal-circuit-breaker: making reference to userfriendly tables this part gives information about cable/bar connection to ABB circuit-breakers (maximum cross-section in relation to terminals, tightening torques, etc.)


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White Paper - Vol. 8

Protection against electric arc

The purpose of this document is giving the necessary explanations for the correct use and proper integration between the new Arc Guard by ABB TVOC-2, a device which can detect an electric arc thanks to the optical sensors, and ABB SACE circuit-breakers.
This document is not aimed at dealing with the concept of internal arc-proof assemblies but at describing an active protection system used to limit the effects of the internal arc. 
The document is divided into three sections:
- The electric arc
- Assemblies equipped with devices limiting internal arc effects (active protection concept)
- Application example


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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 1

Low voltage selectivity with ABB circuit-breakers

The scope of this publication is to provide the designer who wants to realize a selective installation using ABB circuit-breakers with thorough information. In particular, the document illustrates the different solutions to obtain selectivity and the advantages deriving from the use of the new PR223EF releases.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 2

MV/LV transformer substations: theory and examples of short-circuit calculation

The scope of this publication is providing some general information on MV/LV transformer substations and illustrating the relevant management methods. These information are completed with some short-circuit calculation examples and general criteria for the choice of the low voltage protection and control devices.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 3

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault

The scope of this publication is providing the reader with the necessary information about the main normative aspects regarding protection against earth fault and indirect contact, clarifying the relevant problems and illustrating the solution proposed by ABB SACE. Particular attention is paid to the protection devices and to the way they operate (from the residual current devices to the last generation electronic trip units) and how to obtain selective co-ordination is thoroughly described.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 4

ABB circuit-breakers inside LV switchboards

This is the forth volume of the series “Technical Application Papers” issued by ABB SACE. 
The scope of this publication is providing the reader with the basic information necessary to choose in the easiest and most correct way ABB SACE circuit-breakers for installation inside LV switchboards. 
This choice shall be carried out by taking into consideration the problems linked to heating, any possible advice to improve the circuit-breaker current carrying capacity inside switchboards and all the questions involved by short-circuits.
This technical paper is completed with some examples and illustrations intended to give support to the reader for the concepts expressed.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 5

ABB circuit-breakers for direct current applications

This is the fifth volume of the series “Technical Application Papers” issued by ABB SACE. The scope of this publication is providing the reader with the basic information regarding direct current , including both the most important application and the techniques used nowadays for the production of direct current. Besides there are precise information by means of table providing a rapid choice of the protection/disconnection device and paying particular attention to the installation characteristics (fault typologies, installation voltage, earthing arrangement). 

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 6

Arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies

Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies are the components of electric installations which are more subject to the direct intervention of personnel (operations, maintenance, etc.) and for this reason users demand from them higher and higher safety requirements.
In the last years a lot of users have underlined the ques­tion of safety in electrical assemblies with reference to one of the most severe and destructive phenomenon: the electric arc.

he sixth volume of the series “Technical Application Papers” issued by ABB SACE, after a survey of the Standards applicable to switchgear and controlgear assemblies and of the relevant classification, gives the reader all the necessary elements to understand the effects of the electric arc and what are the solutions which guarantee safety for the operator and the plant in the event of an arc inside the assembly.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 7

Three-phase asynchronous motors - Generalities and ABB proposals for the coordination of protective devices

This Technical Application Paper (the seventh of the series) gives a description of the main starting modalities of three-phase asynchronous motors with particular reference to the standard prescriptions (Std. IEC60947-4-1); the most common starting typologies are illustrated in detail and an overview is given about the availability and the main characteristics of the ABB products used for co-ordination (products and relevant tables). The document is completed with annexes which give an analysis of some subject matters linked to the use of asynchronous motors.

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Technical Application Papers - Vol. 8

Power factor correction and harmonic filtering in electrical plants

The eighth volume of the Technical Application Papers deals with the problems of power factor correction and harmonic filtering in electrical plants. Starting from an analysis of the technical-economic advantages offered by power factor correction, the methods used to implement power factor correction in a plant are described, the effects of harmonics are analyzed and then the reader is guided to the correct choice of ABB devices for the switching and protection of capacitor banks and harmonic filtering. 
This document is completed with six annexes in which some of the technical aspects relevant to the use of capacitors and filters are treated in details. 

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Technical Application Papers - Volume 9

Bus communication with ABB circuit-breakers

The ninth volume of the Technical Application Papers deals with the subject of bus communication with the aim of introducing the reader to the basic concepts of networks and communications protocols, dialogue between “intelligent” electronic devices and, in particular, with the purpose of describing the main functions and the characteristics of the electronic trip units which allow ABB circuit-breakers to communicate via bus. In detail, this document has the purpose to offer all the useful information for the correct choice and the correct use of the electronic trip units, of the accessories and the products necessary to integrate ABB circuit-breakers in the supervision systems of electrical and technological installations.

Quaderno Applicazione Tecnica - Vol. 8
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Technical Application Papers - Volume 10

Photovoltaic plants

The tenth volume of the series “Technical Application Papers” deals with the problems and the basic concepts to be faced when designing a photovoltaic plant; starting from a general description of the exploitation modes of solar energy through photovoltaic plants, this document describes mainly the methods of connection to the network and of protection against overcurrents, overvoltages and indirect contacts so as to lead to the choice of the suitable switching and connection devices of the different plant components. To complete this Technical Paper there are three annexes describing the new techniques used for the realization of solar panels and the other renewable sources and giving two examples for the sizing of a PV plant.

In the second edition of the Technical Application Paper, new products have been introduced in the Chapter about ABB offer for photovoltaic applications and the Chapter about the Feed-in Tariff has been updated.

Quaderno Applicazione Tecnica - Vol. 8
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Technical Application Papers - Volume 11

Guidelines to the construction of a low-voltage assembly complying with the Standards IEC 61439 Part 1 and Part 2

The eleventh volume of the series “Technical Application Papers” deals with electrical assemblies with the purpose of describing the main changes and modifications introduced by the new Standard IEC 61439 Part 1 and Part 2, as regards both the structure of the Standard as well as the definitions and the contents (e.g.: design verifications of the assembly). Particular attention is paid to the performance verifications of temperature-rise limits, short-circuit withstand strength and dielectric properties. Moreover, this document gives the basic information necessary for the installation of ABB circuit-breakers inside assemblies and the guidelines for the certification of assemblies in compliance with the above mentioned Standard and presents an example of choice of products (circuit-breakers, conductors, distribution system, busbars and metalwork structure) for the construction of an ArTu switchboard.


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The Motor Guide

The scope of the Motor Guide is providing basic technical information about low voltage standard motors. This volume deals with the following subjects:

  • Energy saving and the environment
  • Electrical and mechanical design
  • Installation and maintenance
  • Selecting a motor
  • Variable Speed Drives

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Electrical Installation Handbook 6th edition

It is an indispensable tool for all those who are interested in electrical plants.

Volum 1: Protection and control devices

This volume deals with the following subjects:

  • general characteristics of the circuit breakers;
  • derating tables for circuit-breakers (temperature and altitude);
  • co-ordination tables;
  • special applications (direct current, 400 Hz and 16 2/3 Hz, 1000 Vdc and 1000 Vac);
  • electrical switchboards;
  • examples with advanced protection functions.

Volum 2: Electrical Devices

This volume deals with the following subjects:

  • protection and dimensioning of feeders;
  • protection and switching of lighting circuits, generators, motors and transformers;
  • power factor correction - protection and switching of capacitors bank;
  • protection of human beings against direct and indirect contacts - distribution systems;
  • calculation of short-circuit current;
  • harmonics.
  • photovoltaic plants

The main changes in this edition as compared with the fifth one are:

  • SACE Tmax XT moulded-case circuit-breakers have been added
  • selectivity and back-up tables with XT circuit-breakers (in the following combinations: XT-XT, XT-miniature circuit-breakers, air circuit-breakers-XT)
  • motor protection tables and quick selection tables including also the new SACE Tmax XT moulded-case circuit-breakers
  • chapter on photovoltaic plants
  • new Standard IEC 61439 “Low voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies”
  • Emax DC for direct current installations

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