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Key Takeaways on Floating Offshore Substations (FOSS)

카테고리 없음

by ElecMania 2024. 10. 30. 16:05



As the offshore wind industry evolves, floating offshore substations are emerging as a crucial component for harnessing wind energy in deeper waters. Here are some insights from recent projects and research:


1. Current Landscape:
While notable projects like Hywind Tampen and Kincardine have made strides, existing FOSS solutions remain limited to small-scale installations. The Fukushima Forward project (2013) and EolMed project (2023) highlight early advancements but fall short of meeting the demands of large-scale operations.

2. Depth Limitations:
Fixed bottom offshore substations (OSS) are typically limited to depths of 50-60m, with economic viability dropping off around 120m. This limitation emphasizes the need for innovative solutions in deeper waters.

3. Equipment Availability:
The availability of dynamic export cables and subsea components is critical to the economic feasibility of FOSS versus fixed-bottom designs. Current offerings in the oil and gas sector provide insight but reveal gaps, especially with the absence of reactors for subsea applications.

4. Mechanical Challenges:
Floating structures experience six degrees of freedom—surge, sway, heave, yaw, roll, and pitch—resulting in significant mechanical loads. These dynamics pose risks for equipment durability and accessibility challenges during failures.

5. Material Considerations:
The use of aluminum alloys in gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) raises concerns about fatigue strength under harsh maritime conditions. Addressing these challenges requires either conservative design approaches or rigorous testing to define material limits.

6. Cooling Solutions:
For transformers housed in air-conditioned rooms, designing cooling systems that withstand salty environments is essential for reliability and performance.

7. Fatigue in HVDC Valves:
The welded construction of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) valves presents additional challenges, as lower-strength joints are more susceptible to fatigue compared to the base material. As we push towards more sustainable energy solutions, addressing these technical challenges will be key to unlocking the full potential of floating offshore wind technologies.







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